April 2016
Art Mart is May 5-7 in the Memorial Union
The Workspace's spring Art Mart will be held May 5-7 in the Memorial Union Trophy Tavern (first floor) and features products by local artists, including students, and the ISU Gaffers' Guild. Media include jewelry, blown glass, pottery, framed campus photographs, scarves, bags and more. Hours are 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Thursday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Friday and 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday. Most items sell for $5-$20.
Funeral service for Karl Gschneidner is May 3
Karl Gschneidner Jr., Distinguished Professor Emeritus in materials science and engineering, died April 27 in Ames. He was 85. A funeral Mass will begin at 10 a.m. Tuesday, May 3, at St. Cecilia Church, 2900 Hoover Ave. Visitation will be from 5 to 7 p.m., with a prayer vigil at 7 p.m., Monday, May 2, at Adams Funeral Home, 502 Douglas Ave. Memorials may be directed in Gschneidner's memory to the ISU Foundation, Go for the Gold Research Prize #2702376.
Group plant sale is May 7-8 at Reiman Gardens
Several campus and local organizations will host a large plant sale on May 7-8 (rain or shine) in the Reiman Gardens parking lot. Plants for sale include perennials for sun and shade; herbs and vegetables; Iowa natives; woody plants including trees, shrubs and Buck roses; container annuals and hanging baskets. Hours are 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday and 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Sunday. Credit card, check and cash are accepted as payment. Campus groups whose programming will benefit from the sale are the graduate student horticulture society, horticulture club, ecology, evolution and organismal biology department and Reiman Gardens.
Movie night at Jack Trice set for May 14
The athletics department's 4th annual Movie Night at Jack Trice Stadium will feature Star Wars: The Force Awakens on Saturday, May 14 (7 p.m., north, south and east gates open at 6 p.m.). It's free and open to the public, and attendees are welcome to dress in costume. Movie goers may sit either on the field (blankets only, no chairs), or in the east side or south end zone bleachers. Handicap-accessible seating is available on the east tarmac. Limited concessions will be sold at reduced prices; movie goers may bring in snacks and unopened bottled water. In case of inclement weather, the event will move to Hilton Coliseum (same time).
You're invited: Faculty/Staff Inspiration Awards reception
Help honor the ISU Alumni Association's 2016 Faculty-Staff Inspiration Award recipients during events on Friday, May 20, at the Alumni Center. Heavy appetizers and a cash bar will be available from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. The program recognizing the award recipients and outgoing alumni association board members begins at 6:30 p.m., followed by a dessert reception at 7:30 p.m. Cost is $10; registration is requested by May 13.
Youth program leader training is May 11
The offices of risk management and conference planning and management, and ISU Extension and Outreach are hosting training for youth program leaders, administrators and student organization officers on May 11 (1-3 p.m., 1020 Extension 4-H Building). The training will cover the policies, procedures and forms necessary to conduct youth programs at Iowa State. Preregistration is required. To register, email by May 10.
Memorial Union's awards ceremony is April 29
The university community is invited to the Memorial Union's annual awards ceremony on Friday, April 29 (2 p.m., MU Gallery). Among those to be honored are: recipients of the MU's three awards recognizing individuals who make a difference, MU employees who've reached a five-year milestone in their employment, outgoing MU board members and outgoing graduate students in the Student Activities Center. The ceremony is open to the public.
Memorial service for Nikki Bado is April 30
Associate professor of religious studies Nikki Bado died on Friday, April 22. A memorial service will be held from 4 to 7 p.m. Saturday, April 30, at Ada Hayden Heritage Park, 5205 Grand Ave., in north Ames.
Craft supply swap scheduled for April 30-May 1
The Workspace in the east basement of the Memorial Union will host a craft supply swap Saturday-Sunday, April 30 (10 a.m.-4 p.m.) and May 1 (1-4 p.m.). Bring in items that you aren’t going to use, but can’t bring yourself to throw away. Swap for new or new-to-you supplies from The Workspace and other participants. The Workspace doesn't enforce any swap rules, but simply hosts this opportunity to swap and recycle. It's free and open to the public.
Register kids now for summer youth fitness program
Registration is open for the kinesiology department's summer youth fitness program, which runs June 6-July 28 (1:10-4:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday, Forker Building). The program, which serves students in kindergarten through sixth grade, features many types of physical activity, including team sports, games, swimming, gymnastics and dance. Teachers are physical or elementary education majors and kinesiology graduate students. Cost is $410 with discounts for subsequent children. To register, email Jennifer Smith by May 13.
Stand Against Racism campaign is April 28-May 1
The YWCA Ames-ISU is encouraging the university community to participate in a national "Stand Against Racism" campaign April 28-May 1. Participants wear orange to show their support and post photos (as individuals or offices/departments) to several social media sites. More information is online or contact executive director Angela Merrick.
Relief for Ecuadorian earthquake victims
Ecuadorian students and staff members are coordinating donations to help people in their native country recover from the April 16 earthquake. Students will be outside Parks Library April 25-29 (11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. daily) providing information and taking donations. Dropoff locations for donations also are at: MU East Student Office Space, State Gym, 2080 Student Services, 2104 Agronomy and 119 Kildee. Monetary donations also can be made online to these organizations:
Outdoor rec equipment sale is April 28
ISU's Outdoor Recreation Program will hold its annual used equipment sale on Thursday, April 28 (6-7:30 p.m., State Gym). This spring's inventory includes kayaks, bikes, tents and more. Acceptable forms of payment are cash, check and credit card (Visa or MasterCard). For more information, call 294-4774.
Campanile/carillon model plans unveiled April 26
Mechanical engineering student project teams will unveil the plans for a 1:5 working replica of the campanile and 27-bell carillon during an April 26 presentation (3 p.m., 2004 Black Engineering). Once completed, the portable model will be used at events and programs, and serve as an educational tool. Interdisciplinary teams in Design, Engineering and music will build the model over the next two years. The presentation is free and open to the public.
Regents approve 2016-17 faculty P&T list
Meeting April 21 in Council Bluffs, the state Board of Regents approved faculty promotion and tenure cases at the three regent universities, including 58 cases at Iowa State. The new titles and promotions take effect in July for A-base (12-month) faculty and in August for B-base faculty.
Pam White to be honored at April 27 reception
A retirement reception for College of Human Sciences dean Pam White, who is retiring this summer, will be held Wednesday, April 27 (3:30-5:30 p.m., first floor atrium of Beardshear Hall). A short program will begin at 4 p.m.
Fashion show exhibit opens April 27
Winning garments from the student-run 2016 Fashion Show are featured in an exhibition that opens Wednesday, April 27, and runs through Aug. 26 in the Mary Alice Gallery, 1015 Morrill. An opening reception will be held from 5 to 6 p.m. on April 27. The gallery is open weekdays 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Honors poster presentations/reception is April 27
The University Honors Program invites members of the university community to the Spring 2016 poster presentations and reception on Wednesday, April 27 (3-5 p.m., MU Great Hall). Spring and summer Honors graduates, as well as other Honors students, will be present to speak with individuals and answer questions.
Barks@Parks returns week of April 25
Barks@Parks returns for Dead Week, April 25-29 (1-4 p.m. daily, 199 Parks Library). Follow the paw prints (literally) to the new location in the library. Dogs of various breeds will be on hand to comfort students in what has become a favorite study break for many. All of the canine companions have certification from Therapy Dogs International and/or the American Kennel Club's Canine Good Citizen program.
Faculty mentors invited to recognition reception
Are you a faculty mentor? Provost Jonathan Wickert and associate provost Dawn Bratsch-Prince invite you to a reception on Wednesday, May 4 (4-5:30 p.m., program at 4:20 p.m., MU Cardinal Room) to recognize your service to the university. Recipients of the 2016 Exemplary Faculty Mentor Awards especially will be honored. Come celebrate and bring your mentee(s). RSVPs are requested by April 29.
Registration is open for summer camp on athletic training
The athletic training department will hold its annual summer camp June 9-11 for students in grades 8-12 interested in athletic training as a career. Participants get a first-hand look at the profession; a daily schedule is online. The cost is $260 ($200 for commuters); register online. Questions may be directed to Cyclone athletic trainer Vic Miller, kinesiology department, 294-3587.
Nominations sought for 2017 'women impacting ISU' calendar
The Catt Center will accept nominations for its 2017 "Women Impacting ISU" calendar through Sept. 30. Any woman who is currently employed by the university (must still be employed for the 2016 calendar year) or is a current student at Iowa State is eligible to be nominated. Self-nominations will not be considered. Those selected for the 2017 calendar will be notified in November. More information, including the nomination form, is online.
Registration closes May 1 for TAG summer camps
The office of admissions' early outreach program/OPPTAG provides academically challenging experiences for talented and gifted youth in grades 3-11. Registration for summer programs closes on May 1 or when a class or camp fills, whichever comes first. New courses being offered this year are in the areas of arts, design, social sciences and STEM (science, technology, engineering and math). Questions may be directed to program coordinator Tricia Stouder, 294-5689.
You're invited: Distinguished Awards celebration is April 15
Help honor the recipients of the university's highest awards with your attendance at the Distinguished Awards Celebration on Friday, April 15 (2 p.m., MU Sun Room). A reception follows in the South Ballroom. Details are online about the awards given to alumni and friends from the ISU Alumni Association and the ISU Foundation. The ceremony is open to the public; it also will be streamed live online.
April events promote sexual assault awareness
Numerous campus organizations are hosting events to observe April as Sexual Assault Awarenss Month. Events include a concert, march, large group photo, self-defense seminar and more. April 6 was the first-ever "Start by Believing" Day, a campaign specifically about changing the way we respond to incidents of sexual assault.
Library to pilot 24/7 open hours during dead, finals weeks
Parks Library will experiment with a 24/7 open-hours pilot during dead and finals weeks. The library will open at 12:30 p.m. Sunday, April 24, and remain open around the clock until 5 p.m. Friday, May 6, a period of 13 days. Academic libraries remaining open 24 hours a day at the end of the semester has been a steady trend upward in recent years.
Kling named to President's Chair in Environmental Economics
President Steven Leath has named Catherine Kling to the President’s Chair in Environmental Economics for her exemplary performance and contributions to natural resources and environmental economics. Kling will be honored April 15 at a medallion ceremony during the ISU Foundation Governors luncheon. Kling is a Charles F. Curtiss Distinguished Professor in Agriculture and Life Sciences, professor of economics and director of the Center for Agricultural and Rural Development. Last year, she became Iowa State's first female faculty member to be elected to the National Academy of Sciences.
The President’s Chair in Environmental Economics was established with support from the Howard T. Lanan and Evelyn M. Lanan Endowment for Excellence. Howard Lanan was a 1938 Iowa State graduate in agriculture; the Lanans farmed for more than 60 years in Illinois.
Campus sidewalk views are in Google Maps
The streetview images recorded in October from campus sidewalks are available now on Google Maps. Viewers can drop the icon right on the sidewalk. The spider web effect is a normal part of the program that lets viewers jump directly to a nearby walk.
It's a great day for homemade ice cream
Members of the Dairy Science Club will sell ice cream Wednesday (11 a.m.-1 p.m.) near the north doors to Lush Auditorium in Kildee Hall. The team has 12 flavors available today: vanilla, strawberry, chocolate, triple chocolate, mint chocolate chip, Heath caramel, Butterfinger, Oreo, chocolate Oreo, mint Oreo, Reese's (chopped peanut butter cups) and chocolate Reese's. The price is $1 per cup.
Volunteers sought for LaVerne cleanup
As part of ISU's Earth Month observance, volunteers will gather on the shores of Lake LaVerne Wednesday, April 20, to help clean the banks and grounds of the campus landmark. Volunteers, who will receive a free T-shirt, are encouraged to come and go between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Check in at the stand outside the Memorial Union, grab some gloves and a bucket, and make a contribution toward a more beautiful campus. No water contact is required. Two student organizations -- Green Umbrella Club and Greeks Go Green -- with host the cleanup with support from ISU facilities planning and management. For more information, contact Morgan Muell.
You're invited: Earth Week tree planting is April 21
The university community is invited to an Earth Week tree planting on the south side of Ross Hall Thursday, April 21 (noon to 3 p.m.). Campus services will plant five river birches in the area. Attendees are invited to bring packed lunches, blankets and Frisbees. The event is hosted by The Green Umbrella student organization and Sigma Lambda Beta fraternity. More Earth Month events can be found on the Live Green calendar.
Funeral service for John Verkade is April 14
John Verkade, retired University Professor of chemistry, died April 6 after a 15-month illness. He was a member of the chemistry faculty from 1960 to 2013. A funeral service will begin at 3 p.m. Thursday, April 14, at Trinity Christian Reformed Church, 3626 Ontario St. Visitation is from 5 to 7 p.m. Wednesday, April 13, at Adams Funeral Home, 502 Douglas Ave. Obituary.
Reiman Gardens offers gardens bus tour to Wisconsin
Reiman Gardens director Ed Lyons will lead a 3-day, 2-night tour of public and private gardens and nurseries in southern Wisconsin May 20-22. Cost is $275 ($235 for garden members) and includes transportation and hotel; not meals. Registration and payment (check only) are due April 20.
Sixth Street bridge project remains on schedule
The city of Ames reports that the concrete deck has been poured on the Sixth Street replacement bridge over Squaw Creek just east of campus. Once the concrete cures, the next step is to construct concrete railings. Paving work at either end of the bridge is anticipated to begin in early May and will include the road, sidewalks and trail. The project is on schedule to wrap up by early August. Brookside Park remains accessible for vehicles via University Boulevard to Sixth Street.
Submit summer, fall course reserves at library now
Instructors who wish to place required materials on reserve in the library for the summer and fall semester should submit requests now. Forms are online.
Sign up for Stash the Trash on April 30
ISU's Student Activities Center and the Volunteer Center of Story County are seeking volunteers to help clean up Ames during Stash the Trash on April 30 (8:30 a.m.-2 p.m.). Participants can register online and choose a variety of Ames neighborhoods to spruce up. Volunteers should check in at Reiman Gardens to pick up trash bags and gloves. Volunteers will receive a free lunch (noon-1 p.m.) and free admission to Reiman Gardens.
'Purple up' on April 15 for military youth
April is the Month of the Military Child, to honor children from military families for their strength and sacrifices. Members of the university community are encouraged to wear purple on Friday, April 15, to honor this group, which includes ISU students. Purple -- a blending of Army green; Marine red; and Navy, Coast Guard and Air Force blue -- symbolizes all branches of the military. The state of Iowa has an estimated 10,000 military youth.
Run with the dogs at SCAVMA Scamper on April 23
The College of Veterinary Medicine will host its 33rd annual SCAVMA (Student Chapter of the American Veterinary Association) Scamper 5K/10K run/walk on April 23 (10 a.m., College of Vet Med). This is a dog-friendly race and competitors are encouraged to bring their canine companions. Cost is $25 ($20 for students) and includes chip timing, a race T-shirt, post-race refreshments and an entry for one of several door prizes. Register online.
Breakfast open house for student employees is April 13
To observe National Student Employment Week, ISU students who are employed -- whether on or off campus -- are invited to a morning open house on Wednesday, April 13 (7:30-11 a.m., ground floor of Beardshear Hall). Enjoy a free "breakfast to go" and register for door prizes. Congratulations ISU student employee of the year Rachel Wonderlich and student employees of distinction Spencer Baltes, Morgan Pittz and Alexander Shaw. Campus employers are asked to remind their student employees to stop by for free breakfast.
Asia Project performance is April 10
The Asia Project, a spoken word performance that reflects the experiences of Asia Samson's life, comes to campus on Sunday, April 10 (7 p.m., MU Maintenance Shop). Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Samson's poetry is complemented by guitar instrumentals performed by his brother-in-law Jollan Aurelio. Admission is free and the public is welcome.
Nominations for annual MU awards due April 12
Each spring, the Memorial Union recognizes individuals -- faculty, staff, students, Ames community members -- who share their time and resources to make the MU a better, welcoming place. Its three awards are: M.J. Riggs Award, Four Seasons Award and the highest recognition, the Harold Pride Service Medallion. Anyone may nominate an individual whose contributions make the MU a favorite spot on campus, whether it's been through a special project or constant, steady loyalty. More information on each award, including the nomination form and a list of previous recipients, is online. Nominations are due April 12.
Biz alumna, Land O'Lakes officer, to give campus talk
Beth Ford, chief operating officer for St. Paul-based Land O'Lakes and a College of Business alumna, will give a campus talk, "The Confidence Trajectory: Your Career as a Journey," on Thursday, April 7 (4:10-5 p.m., 1148 Gerdin, reception follows). Faculty, staff and students are invited.
Departments, organizations invited to participate in Destination Iowa State
Destination Iowa State, the university's annual three-day welcome event for first-year and transfer students prior to the start of fall semester, is inviting departments and organizations to participate in the Center of ExCYTment Picnic on Thursday, Aug. 18, and Late Night at the Memorial Union on Friday, Aug. 19. During these events, you'll have a chance to promote your department/organization by hosting interactive activities for new Cyclones. The Destination Iowa State staff can assist with developing activities. Agreements are due by July 29. If you are interested in applying to host an activity or have questions, contact Jenna Heilman, 294-5714.
Celebration of Life for Charles Handy is April 8
The College of Business will host a Celebration of Life for Charles Handy, the college's founding dean (1984-89) on Friday, April 8 (3-4 p.m., Bergstrom Commons, Gerdin Building). Handy died on Jan. 4. A brief program will begin at 3:15 p.m., and will include comments from Business dean David Spalding, former Business dean Ben Allen and others. Several members of Handy's family also will attend. Beverages and light appetizers will be served. RSVPs are requested (but not required) to Michele Morales, 294-5417. Information on memorial donations is online.
Purchase tickets now for May 7 graduation dinner
ISU Dining will serve an all-inclusive Cyclone Graduation Dinner on Saturday, May 7 (two seating times: 5:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m., Seasons Marketplace, MWL Commons). Tables will be reserved and set with linens, fresh flowers and china. Tickets are $18.75 ($12.75 for those 9 years and younger) and may be purchased online through April 25 or when both seatings are full, whichever comes first. Alcoholic beverages will be available at a cash bar. The full menu is online. Questions may be directed to Michelle Rupert.
Forum on strategic plan April 5
A second forum to collect suggestions on the draft of ISU's next strategic plan will be held Tuesday, April 5 (noon-1:30 p.m., Memorial Union Oak Room).Comments also can be submitted through an online comment form. Input on the plan will be collected through May 10 and a final version will be submitted to President Steven Leath in June. The plan, which needs final approval from Leath and the Iowa Board of Regents, goes into effect July 1 and runs through June 30, 2022. For details on the planning process, see the strategic plan development website.
Osborn Club lecture is April 11
Steven Kawaler, professor of physics and astronomy, will present "Starquakes and Exoplanets" at the next Osborn Club lecture on April 11 (6 p.m., following club social at 5:30 p.m., Hach Hall atrium). The lecture is free and open to the public. Cost for the social is $20 per person ($10 for students).