
October 2016

Nitro Circus tickets go on sale Nov. 3

Tickets for a June 3, 2017, performance of Travis Pastrana's Nitro Circus Live at Jack Trice Stadium go on sale at 7 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 3, via Ticketmaster. Tickets range from $19 to $59, plus fees. The show starts at 4 p.m.; stadium gates open at 3 p.m. The show features freestyle riders (motocross, BMX, scooter, inline) doing stunts and tricks.

Second Wednesdays are free at Reiman Gardens

To make the gardens' beauty and educational value available to as many guests as possible, Reiman Gardens launched a monthly free day this fall. Admission to the gardens is free the second Wednesday of each month; open hours remain unchanged (9 a.m.-4:30 p.m.). The upcoming free admission day is Nov. 9.

Tickets on sale for comedian Nick Swardson

Tickets are on sale for comedian Nick Swardson's performance on Friday, Dec. 2 (9 p.m., MU Great Hall, doors open at 8 p.m.). This comedy show is the featured event for that day's WinterFest celebration. Swardson began his career in stand-up comedy in the Twin Cities. In addition to touring, he also works in film and television as both an actor and writer. Tickets are $20 (ISU students $12 with ID) plus fees, and can be purchased online via Midwestix, or through the MU Maintenance Shop box office (weekdays 11 a.m.-5 p.m. for walk-up or phone, 294-8439).

Reminder: ISU employees have access to extra benefits, perks

Vision discounts, travel assistance, legal help. All this and more is available to Iowa State employees who are enrolled in the university's medical and dental plans. Additional services also are offered to all state employees. Details are available in this Inside Iowa State story or on the university human resources website

Phony 'Blackboard' emails contain malicious link

Faculty members report receiving phishing emails that fraudulently appear to come from Blackboard. These are not legitimate Blackboard notifications, but are designed to trick recipients into clicking on a malicious email link that could harm the ISU network. The phishing emails have varying subject lines, such as "important message from faculty," or "course error alert." The ITS security team is blocking these malicious links on the Iowa State network as they become known to protect the university, but continued vigilance is required by all users. Phishing attacks remain one of the greatest threats to ISU. If you inadvertently click on one of these phishing links, immediately notify the Solution Center at 294-4000. Send suspected phishing emails to and you will be promptly informed whether it is safe to follow a link or open an attachment in the message.

Cyclone Club luncheon features Bill Fennelly

The next Cyclone Club luncheon will be held Tuesday, Nov. 1 (noon-1 p.m., doors open at 11:30 a.m., Reiman Ballroom, Alumni Center). The featured speaker is Cyclone head women's basketball coach Bill Fennelly. The event is free and open to the public; an optional catered lunch from Hy-Vee may be purchased for $12.

CyCans drive is Homecoming Saturday

Iowa State's Student-Athlete Advisory Committee will hold its annual CyCans event prior to the Homecoming football game on Saturday, Oct. 29. Student-athletes will collect nonperishable food items and monetary donations at the stadium gates and throughout the tailgating lots to benefit the Food Bank of Iowa, which serves 55 Iowa counties. Last year, SAAC raised about 30,000 meals; the goal this weekend is 35,000 meals. 

Cyclone Central tailgate precedes Thursday night football game

The ISU Alumni Association will host a Cyclone Central tailgate before Iowa State's home football game on Thursday, Nov. 3 (3:30-6 p.m., Alumni Center). Kickoff is at 6:30 p.m. against Oklahoma. Enjoy giveaways, merchandise sale and a complimentary shuttle to the stadium. Tailgate admission is free; guests should request and pre-pay for an optional catered meal from Pizza Ranch by noon on Oct. 31.

Deadline for funding biotech-related conferences, speakers is Oct. 31

The Office of Biotechnology is providing funds for biotechnology-related conferences, symposia or workshops (up to $2,000) and for seminar or individual speakers (up to $500) at events held on campus or in Ames. To be eligible, events must be organized by ISU faculty. Applications for events that occur between Jan. 1 and June 30, 2017, are due Oct. 31. More information and the application form are online. Direct questions to Glenda Webber, 294-4749.

New lower rates for external job postings

As part of a collaboration between the human resources and purchasing departments at Iowa State, Iowa and Northern Iowa, units placing job postings on the CareerBuilder website can receive a 58 percent discount off the previous package price. The new rate of $130 includes a custom Iowa Regents web portal, designed specifically for the three regent universities. For an additional $400, the universities also may access CareerBuilder's resumé database.

The Des Moines Register also is offering discounted external advertising packages and a free job-board posting service in connection with Iowa State's membership with the Higher Education Recruitment Consortium (HERC).

Iowa State's university human resources department is offering online training within the next few weeks for those responsible for posting and purchasing external job ads. For more information about the new rates or the training, contact Dana Rasmussen, 294-4977.

Engineering grad students sought for STEM teaching collaborative

ISU's Trinect program is seeking graduate students in any field of engineering (who also have undergraduate engineering degrees) for a fellowship opportunity next year (fall 2017 and spring 2018 semesters). Trinect fellows work with Des Moines 3rd-5th grade teachers and ISU elementary education students to strengthen teacher preparation in science, technology engineering and math. Funding comes from the National Science Foundation. Applications are due Nov. 14. Learn more at an open house on Oct. 25 (3:30-5:30 p.m., program at 4:30 p.m., 1124 Biorenewables Research Lab). Questions may be directed to Adah Leshem, 294-8453.

Reminder: Register for office decorating contest by Oct. 21

Members of the 2016 Homecoming central committee will judge entries on Monday, Oct. 24, in two contest categories: overall office decorations and door decorations. Entries will be judged on creativity, Cyclone spirit and use of the 2016 Homecoming theme, "Leave Your LegaCY!" The top three in each category will go head-to-head in a Twitter vote for the final decision, announced Thursday, Oct. 27. To be placed on the judging schedule, submit this form by end of day Oct. 21.

Nominations for WiSE's decade awards are due Nov. 11

Every decade the Program for Women in Science and Engineering recognizes individuals, groups and organizations for their commitment to promoting gender equity and inclusion in science, technology engineering and math fields. The program's 30th anniversary awards will be presented on Dec. 3; nominations will be accepted through Nov. 11. More information about each of nine awards, including the nomination forms, is online.

Iowa caucus traveling exhibit stops at Parks Library Oct. 21-Nov. 9

The "First in the Nation: Shaping Presidential Politics Since 1972" traveling display from the State Historical Museum of Iowa will be at Parks Library from Oct. 21 to Nov. 9. The exhibit will be near the seating area inside the front doors and may be viewed during the library's regular hours.

Greek Trick or Treat is Oct. 27

Iowa State's Greek community will host its annual free Greek Trick or Treat for children in grades K-5 on Thursday, Oct. 27 (5-7 p.m., Scheman Building, Iowa State Center). Activities include bag toss, limbo, goo making, pumpkin painting and more. Children and their parents are welcome to to dress in family-friendly costumes; a children's costume contest will be held at 6 p.m., with prizes awarded for the funniest, scariest, cutest and most creative costumes. Families are asked to park in lot B1.

Reminder: Flu shot clinic ends Oct. 21

Time is running out to get a flu shot on campus. Occupational medicine staff will administer flu shots at no cost to employees (while supplies last) weekdays through Friday, Oct. 21 (9 a.m.-4 p.m., 205 Technical and Administrative Services Facility). No appointment is necessary. Bring your ISU ID card to the shot clinic and wear a short-sleeved or loose-fitting shirt for better access to your arm. Because parking is limited in front of TASF, consider walking, busing or biking to the clinic. Additional information is online. 

Free comedy show at the M-Shop on Oct. 20

Rutgers graduate and comedian Julian McCullough will perform a free show on Thursday, Oct. 20 (9 p.m., MU Maintenance Shop, doors open at 8:30 p.m.). McCullough performs his stand-up comedy at venues across New York City, and recently has been seen on TV programs such as Inside Amy Schumer, Late Night with Jimmy Fallon, Conan, Larry King Now, Chelsea Lately and MTV’s Guy Code. 

Vet Med students to hold dog wash on Oct. 15

Iowa State's Student Chapter of the American Veterinary Medical Association (SCAVMA) will hold a dog wash on Saturday, Oct 15 (8 a.m.-4 p.m., Hixson-Lied Small Animal Hospital, Vet Med campus). The cost ranges from $10 to $17, depending on the dog's size, and includes a nail trim, if desired. Dogs must have current vaccinations. Proceeds will be used for Vet Med student activities. Call 294-4900 to make an appointment; walk-ins will be accepted if time allows.

ISCORE proposals due Nov. 18

The annual Iowa State Conference on Race and Ethnicity (ISCORE) will be held Friday, March 3, 2017, in the Memorial Union. Planners are accepting proposals online for presentations on race and ethnicity through Friday, Nov. 18. Notices of acceptance will by sent by Friday, Dec. 16.

Nominations for alumni association awards due Dec. 1

The ISU Alumni Association is accepting nominations for three awards through Dec. 1. Nomination information and forms are online; questions may be directed to Katie Lickteig.

  • Wallace E. Barron All-University Senior Award. Recognizes ISU seniors (90+ credits, 3.0 GPA at the end of fall semester 2016) with high character, achievements in academics and university activities and the promise for continuing these qualities as an alumnus.
  • Faculty/Staff Inspiration Award. (Nominators must be a current or former ISU student.) Recognizes faculty or staff members who made a significant impact on a student's professional or personal life during his or her university years.
  • Iowa STATEment Makers. Recognizes ISU graduates age 32 years and younger who reflect the spirit of ISU with accomplishments in any of these categories: scholastic, career, personal, service or entrepreneurial spirit.

Student Answer Center launches online resource

The Student Answer Center, located on the ground floor of Beardshear, partnered with Student Government to launch an online version of its help desk, intended to quickly link students and visitors to the most current information available for its most frequently asked questions. Users submit a question in the search line and relevant sites are presented. Or users can view topics organized under 13 general categories, including "Iowa State on YouTube." On its own YouTube channel, the Student Answer Center has posted a series of 1-minute videos.

Staniforth Lecture is Oct. 25

Marie Jasieniuk, professor and plant biologist at the University of California, Davis, will present the 27th annual David W. Staniforth Memorial Lecture on Tuesday, Oct. 25 (4:10-5 p.m., 118 Horticulture). The title of her presentation is "Managing the Evolution of Weed Adaptations." A reception will follow in the Agronomy Hall commons. Staniforth taught in the agronomy department from 1949 to 1960 and was a pioneer in weed science.

Fine dining dinner schedule announced

Students in the Fine Dining Event Management course this fall will prepare and serve three themed evening meals in the Tearoom, 23 MacKay. Dinner starts at 6:30 p.m., doors open at 6:15 pm. Cost is $30 per person ($35 with wine). The dates, themes and reservation contacts are:

  • Oct. 26: Midwest Steak (reservations: Mr. Edis Masinovic, 319-529-1002)
  • Nov. 2: Mexican (reservations: Ms. Yi Tan, 515-735-6401)
  • Nov. 16: Italian (reservations: Ms. Mia Sun, 515-708-6170) 

Snowblower service days are Oct. 14-15

The Agriculture Systems Technology Club will hold its annual snowblower service days on Friday, Oct. 14 (1-6 p.m.) and Saturday, Oct. 15 (8 a.m.-3 p.m.) on the west side of Sukup Hall. The $25 cost includes oil, grease, spark plug and a half tank of gas. Pickup and delivery is available for $15 (Ames only); call 515-708-8672 or email by 2 p.m. Oct. 13 to request this additional service.

You're invited: Debate watch party is Oct. 9

The Catt Center and ISU Student Government are among the campus sponsors of a watch party during the second U.S. presidential debate on Sunday, Oct. 9 (7-10 p.m., Friley Hall dungeons). Volunteers will be at Friley Hall west side doors to let guests in. Snacks and voter registration will be available at the event; RSVPs are requested.

Homecoming apparel orders are due Oct. 11

Orders for 2016 Homecoming apparel are due at noon Tuesday, Oct. 11. Items will be available for pickup at the ISU Alumni Center beginning on Wednesday, Oct. 19. Home delivery is not an option for these purchases. 

Cyclone Club luncheon is Oct. 6

Cyclone head football coach Matt Campbell is the featured speaker at the first Cyclone Club luncheon of the year on Thursday, Oct. 6 (noon-1p.m., doors open at 11:30 a.m., Reiman Ballroom, ISU Alumni Center). Bring your questions and register for prizes. An optional catered lunch from Hy-Vee costs $12, but the event is free and the public is welcome.

Benefits is the topic of Oct. 11 seminar

Ed Holland, director of benefits, will discuss changes to the 2017 university benefits at the next Professional and Scientific Council seminar on Oct. 11 (2-3 p.m., MU Gallery). The event also will be streamed live online for those unable to attend. A recording of the seminar will be available online within a few days of the event. 

Explore majors and minors at Oct. 19 "Major Fair"

ISU's Career Exploration Services will host its annual Major Fair on Wednesday, Oct. 19 (10 a.m.-2 p.m., MU Great Hall). More than 100 ISU majors and minors will be represented in one room. Students who are open-option, undecided, thinking about changing majors or struggling to identify a career path are encouraged to attend.

Faculty workshop focuses on an inclusive classroom

CELT is offering a 3-hour faculty workshop on classroom environments that are inclusive and support all students. It will be offered three times during fall semester (Oct. 10, Nov. 9 and Dec. 1) and five times during spring semester. Faculty participants complete online learning modules in the week prior to the face-to-face workshop. Register online via Learn@ISU

Ames art tour includes two ISU stops

The ISU Gaffers Guild (1334 Sweeney) and the College of Design's Design on Main (203 Main St.) are two of 20 stops in the 2016 Ames Area Studio Tour on Oct. 8 (10 a.m.-4 p.m.) and Oct. 9 (noon-4 p.m.). During this free, self-guided tour, visitors will discover original art -- paintings, glass, furniture and more -- created by Ames artists. Artists will be present to discuss their work and answer questions. Visit for more information.