November 2016
ME's Design Expo is Dec. 6
More than 100 students will display and present designs they developed this semester during the mechanical engineering department's annual Design Expo on Tuesday, Dec. 6 (noon-4 p.m., Howe Hall atrium). In Mechanical Engineering Design (ME 270), sophomores were tasked with developing devices to simplify daily tasks and respond to other societal needs in developing economies. Seniors in Mechanical Systems Design (ME 415) and Multidisciplinary Engineering Design (ENGR 466) partnered with companies, university departments and clubs, nonprofits or government entities to develop new, or improve upon existing, designs.
Library announces end-of-semester activities
Parks Library is bringing back two popular dead week and finals week events. Barks@Parks returns during dead week, Dec. 5-9 (1-4 p.m., 199 Parks). Students can interact with dogs to relieve stress as they prepare for final exams. And with student success in mind, Parks Library will be open 24 hours a day Dec. 4-16. The library tested the 24/7 open hours during spring semester and it was met with enthusiasm from both students and faculty. More information is available online.
Training scheduled for CPR, first aid, AED
Training sessions are being offered monthly to individuals who need to be certified or recertified in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), first aid, and automated external defibrillator (AED) use. Classes, led by the American Heart Association, are held 8:30 am.-2 p.m. in the Environmental Health and Safety Services Building. Register via Learn@ISU; payment ($55) is due one week prior to the course. Call 294-5359 with questions.
Project LEA/RN workshop is set for Jan. 3-4
Project LEA/RN will host a workshop on Jan. 3-4, 2017 (9 a.m.-4 p.m. daily) aimed at training educators to help their students learn the kind of thinking required by professionals to solve complex problems. Participants will share insights about the brain based on current research, engage in strategies that promote interaction and deep thinking, and apply them to situations in which they facilitate learning -- classes, orientation sessions, extension meetings or other learning situations. To register or for more information, contact Project LEA/RN associate director Jan Wiersema, 294-4030.
Volunteers sought for LEGO state championship
The College of Engineering's Community Outreach is looking for volunteers for the FIRST® LEGO® League (FLL) Iowa State Championship Jan. 14-15 (7:30 a.m.-5 p.m. daily, campus locations). There are a variety of roles that need to be filled; to volunteer, you must register through the FLL system. FLL is designed to get students ages 9-14 excited about science, technology and engineering. In this year's challenge, Animal Allies, students explore how animals and humans affect each other's lives. Questions may be emailed to
Two "butterfly blizzards" scheduled in December
Reiman Gardens will host butterfly blizzards on two Saturdays -- Dec. 3 and Dec. 17 (8-9:30 a.m., butterfly wing). Participants will release butterflies into the tropical indoor garden; cost is $5 for one butterfly, $8 for two, $12 for three and $3 for each additional butterfly. Activities include a youth craft station and a chance to learn about Monarch butterflies; hot chocolate will be served. Participants must preregister by either Dec. 1 or Dec. 15; the butterfly fee doesn't include gardens admission.
Preregister for breakfast with Santa
Reiman Gardens will host two Breakfast with Santa events on Saturday, Dec. 10 (8 and 10 a.m.), for children ages one to 12 years and their parents. Cost is $9 for children and $14 for adults ($2 discount for members). Breakfast features eggs, bacon, donuts and fresh fruit. Children may visit with Santa, create an ornament, write a letter to Santa and visit the train exhibit in the conservatory. Preregistration and payment is required by Dec. 4.
FLSA changes on hold
Implementation of changes to the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) is on hold following an injunction ordered in a U.S. district court. The decision will suspend planned changes at Iowa State, including overtime tracking and salary adjustments. Information, including an updated Q&A, is available on the university human resources website. Faculty and staff also received an email update from President Steven Leath.
Dec. 1 hearing precedes regents' Cedar Falls meeting
If you'd like to comment on any items scheduled for discussion at the state Board of Regents Dec. 5-6 meeting in Cedar Falls, you have several options:
- Attend one of six public hearings held at the regents institutions and board office Dec. 1-2. Iowa State's hearing is Thursday, Dec. 1 (4-5 p.m.), Oak Room, Memorial Union. All public hearings will be video recorded and posted to the regents' hearings website. Transparency officer Shirley Knipfel will preside at the meeting.
- Provide written comments to regents transparency officer Josh Lehman,
Meeting materials and an agenda for the December meeting will be posted to the regents homepage by Nov. 22.
Dean of students candidate forums begin after Thanksgiving break
Campus interviews and open forums for finalists interviewing to be associate vice president and dean of students in the student affairs division will be held the week of Nov. 28. Names of the finalists and details about the forums will be available Friday on the student affairs website. All forums will be held at 11 a.m. in the Memorial Union Gold Room. The successful candidate will oversee 14 units within the dean of students office, in addition to the international students and scholars office.
Honors poster presentation is Nov. 30
The University Honors Program will hold its fall poster presentation and reception on Wednesday, Nov. 30 (3-5 p.m., MU Great Hall). Fall 2016 Honors graduates, as well as other Honors students, will be present to answer questions and talk about their projects.
MU art mart is Dec. 1-3
The Workspace is hosting Art Mart, the biannual art sale at the Memorial Union, Dec. 1-3 in the Campanile Room. The sale will feature blown glass by the ISU Gaffers' Guild, art by Workspace instructors (pottery, jewelry, glass beads, scarves and animal paintings), framed campus photos and pottery created by Workspace students. Most items sell for $3-$25. Hours are 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Thursday, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Friday, and 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday.
Flu shots available while supply lasts
Miss the flu shot clinic? Occupational Medicine (G11 TASF, 2408 Pammel Dr.) has a limited quantity and will administer flu shots to employees by appointment only, while supplies last. Call 294-2056 to schedule an appointment. Bring your ISU ID card and wear loose-fitting clothing. Flu shots are provided at no cost to the following employee groups:
- Faculty
- P&S staff
- Merit staff
- Post docs
- ISU Foundation employees
- Iowa State Daily Media Group employees
- Retirees on university health plans who are not yet 65
Undergraduate and graduate students and visiting scholars are not eligible to receive flu shots at the clinic. These individuals should contact Thielen Student Health Center, 294-5801, for flu vaccine information.
EH&S launches new hazardous materials shipment system
Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) is transitioning to an online hazardous materials shipment system, which will streamline Iowa State's hazardous materials shipping process. The online system replaces the current hazardous materials shipping form, which is emailed or faxed to EH&S. Use of the online system will become mandatory beginning Dec. 5. The new form is available online.
New FMLA training is available online
University human resources (UHR) has launched a new online training course about the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). The course, available on Learn@ISU, covers the FMLA process and other types of leave that may impact it; eligibility; returning to work and case studies. UHR encourages supervisors to take the course to become more familiar with ISU's FMLA process, but all employees are welcome to enroll.
NCORE/ISCORE project seeks student scholars
The office of Multicultural Student Affairs and the NCORE/ISCORE project recruitment committee seek applications from, and nominations for, students interested in attending the 2017 National Conference on Race and Ethnicity in Forth Worth May 30-June 3. Students present on their NCORE experience at the next ISCORE event on campus. Nominations are due Wednesday, Dec. 21; use the online form to submit a student's name. The committee then will send that student information about applying for a position.
Hold the date: WinterFest is Dec. 2
The annual Iowa State celebration preceding fall semester's Dead Week will be held on Friday, Dec. 2. WinterFest 2016 events include campanile tours, cookie decorating, artists' market, ice skating, bowling, stand-up comedy performance, winter clothing drive and an open house at The Knoll -- most of which are free. More information will be included in the Dec. 1 issue of Inside.
Hort club's poinsettia sale runs Nov. 30-Dec. 3
The student Horticulture Club will sell poinsettias (grown on campus by club members) Nov. 30-Dec. 3 in these locations:
- Wednesday, Nov. 30 (11 a.m.-4 p.m.): ground floor rotunda, Curtiss Hall
- Thursday, Dec. 1 (11 a.m.-5 p.m.): ground floor north counters, Beardshear Hall
- Friday, Dec. 2 (11 a.m.-5 p.m.): near ISU Book Store entrance, Memorial Union
- Saturday, Dec. 3 (9 a.m.-1 p.m.): Reiman Gardens
The plants are available in six colors and two pot sizes (pink and burgandy plants and the larger pot size must be preordered by Nov. 20). Sale proceeds support club activities, contest expenses and student experiences.
Apply now for spring 2017 tuition reimbursement
ISU employees seeking tuition reimbursement for spring 2017 may complete a tuition reimbursement application in AccessPlus (Employee tab > Tuition Reimburse) now through Jan. 6, 2017. The tuition reimbursement program is available to all current merit and P&S employees who work in a nontemporary position at least 20 hours per week, and have successfully completed at least one year of service. More information about the program is available online.
Post-election discussions, events
Students, faculty, staff and community members are invited to participate in several Nov. 9 post-election events coordinated by the offices of multicultural student affairs and vice president for diversity and inclusion. The Wednesday events include:
- Student support space, student affairs and student counseling center staff will be available for individual and group discussions (8 a.m.-10 p.m., Multicultural Center, Memorial Union)
- Campus conversation: Let's Talk About the Election, a drop-in event to discuss election outcomes (2:30-5 p.m., 3150 Beardshear)
- Post-election reflection, a conversation about issues, reflections and observations from the election (6-8 p.m., MU Multicultural Center)
"Good Girls Revolt" author to speak on campus Dec. 1
Journalist Lynn Povich, author of the 2012 book "The Good Girls Revolt: How the Women of Newsweek Sued Their Bosses and Changed the Workplace," is the Catt Center's Mary Louise Smith Chair in Women and Politics this semester. Povich will give a public lecture on Thursday, Dec. 1 (7 p.m., MU Great Hall), followed by a reception and book signing.
Silent auction accompanies postcard print exhibition
ISU's Print Society will host its 16th annual postcard print exchange, "Abstracted Simplicity," Nov. 14-30 (8 a.m.-5 p.m. weekdays, closed Nov. 21-25) in Gallery 181, College of Design. One print from each of 233 artists will be on display and available for bid in a silent auction. Bidding starts at $5. The process ends at 5 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 30, and winners will be notified by email.
Sleep research is topic of Nov. 14 Osborn Club lecture
Zlatan Križan, associate professor in psychology, will present "How Sleep Shapes Social Behavior (and Vice Versa)" at the Osborn Club lecture on Nov. 14 (6 p.m., following club social at 5:30 p.m., Hach Hall atrium). The lecture is free and open to the public. Cost for the social is $15 per person ($10 for students).
Reminder: ISCORE proposals are due Nov. 18
The annual Iowa State Conference on Race and Ethnicity (ISCORE) will be held Friday, March 3, 2017, in the Memorial Union. Planners are accepting proposals online for presentations on race and ethnicity through Friday, Nov. 18. Notices of acceptance will by sent by Friday, Dec. 16.
Youth, adult auditions scheduled for center production
Auditions for "Play With Words: Sleeping Beauty and Other Scrambled Fairy Tales," will be held Sunday, Nov. 6 (1:30 pm.) and Monday, Nov. 7 (7 p.m.), at the Ames Public Library. There are roles for actors ages 10 through adult in this original story, in which familiar fairy tale characters find themselves in unfamiliar story lines. Performance date are Jan. 13-15 in Fisher Theater; the Iowa State Center is a co-sponsor with the library and Ames Children's Theater.
Second campus conversation is scheduled for Nov. 9
"Let's Talk About the Election" is the second campus conversation this semester, scheduled for Wednesday, Nov. 9 (2:30-5 p.m., 3150 Beardshear). The ofice of the vice president for diversity and inclusion invites students, staff, faculty and community members to come together to discuss election outcomes. This is a drop-in event, so attendees may come and go as their schedules allow. Light refreshments will be served.
George Jackson memorial service is Nov. 12

A memorial service for longtime Iowa State administrator and professor George Jackson will be held Saturday, Nov. 12 (5 p.m., Memorial Union South Ballroom.) Jackson, 75, died July 3 in Sunrise, Fla. A passionate advocate for underrepresented students, Jackson served as former assistant vice president for student affairs, director of minority student affairs and assistant dean of the Graduate College. He retired from Iowa State in 2009 but his legacy continues through successful programs such as the Graduate Minority Assistantship Program and TRIO (Educational Talent Search, Upward Bound, Student Support Services). For more information, contact Tom Hill at
CyRide survey is short, fun, helpful
Those who ride CyRide and those who don't are encouraged to complete a short (and interesting) survey that will help officials determine the most efficient, effective way to run the popular bus system that serves nearly 7 million rides a year. The "Design Your Transit System" survey gives participants 20 fictional dollars to spend on their ideal system. The survey is part of a year-long study that seeks broad input from the Ames/Iowa State community. The survey, which takes only minutes to complete, should be submitted by Friday, Nov. 18. Those who have more ideas for CyRide are encouraged share their input at one of two meetings hosted by CyRide officials and a representative of a national transportation consulting firm:
- Tuesday, Nov. 8 (noon-1 p.m.) -- Cardinal Room, Memorial Union
- Wednesday, Nov. 9 (6 -7:30 p.m.) -- Danfoss Room, Ames Public Library
Reminder: Proposals due Nov. 18 for OPPTAG conferences
The Office of Admissions Early Outreach (OPPTAG) is accepting proposals until Nov. 18 for two February conferences that provide high-achieving middle school students the chance to explore new interests during hands-on workshops. More information, including dates, session times and the proposal submission, is online.
Parking changes for Thursday football game
Iowa State's Nov. 3 football game means parking changes for students, faculty and staff as Cyclone fans arrive for Thursday's 6:30 p.m. kickoff against Oklahoma. All campus lots will open to parking at 3 p.m.; donor and gameday parking lots (PDF) at the stadium and Iowa State Center open at 12:30 p.m.
Students must move their cars from the football stadium S-lots by midnight on Wednesday. Cars may be returned to the S-lots after 8 a.m. Friday or remain in the alternate lots until Monday morning.
Alternate parking and CyRide routes include:
Commuter parking
- Lots C1, C2, B1, B2 and grass areas around Hilton Coliseum, served by CyRide's No. 21 (orange) route until 3:30 p.m., and No. 23 (Vet Med) and No. 4 (gray) routes
- Grass areas south of the Wallace/Wilson residence halls, served by CyRide's No. 6 (brown) route 7 a.m.-6:10 p.m. and No. 6A (brown) after 6 p.m.
- Parking areas at Brookside Park (off Sixth Street)
Student parking
- Lot G8 (overflow in G4 and G5) off South 16th Street, served by CyRide's No. 4 (gray), No. 9 (plum) and No. 23 (orange) routes
Reset your clocks Saturday night
We fall back to standard time this weekend. Daylight-saving time ends at 2 a.m. Sunday, Nov. 6. Remember to set clocks back one hour before you head to bed Saturday night.