A green playground
Preparations have begun for lots of summer programs, leagues and tournaments at Iowa State's Veenker golf course.
Wireless network is getting a powerful boost
A $4 million upgrade to the campus wireless network is under way this summer. The project will add thousands of wireless access points to academic and student spaces in campus buildings.
An estimated 5,800 will visit campus in June for orientation
Twenty 2-day sessions are scheduled between June 3 and July 2. Some participants have not made their final college choice yet.
Tuition, state funds contribute to larger FY15 budget
Key uses of additional dollars include employee compensation, student financial aid and strategic university priorities.
Regents meet on campus next week
Iowa State items on the agenda include a performance-based proposal for allocating state funds to the three regent universities, a $46 million plan to replace the south end of the football stadium, and requests for two new research centers.

Reiman exhibit takes flight
McLaughlin steps down to lead promising Reiman Gardens' venture
Reiman Gardens' LEGO block exhibits are appearing in gardens throughout the country. Gardens director Teresa McLaughlin will step down from her post to oversee the Nature Connects exhibits that are bringing Reiman gardens attention and revenue.