Taking care of the animals
University Museums staff clean and wax outdoor sculptures two to three times a year to provide a protective layer against the elements and prevent corrosion.
Regents to consider spring tuition increase for resident undergrads
A cremation garden for the university cemetery, $3.6 million electron microscope purchase, presidential salaries and a nonprofit facilities corporation also are on the Aug. 5 agenda.
Blackboard technical support moves to Solution Center, expands hours
Instructors using Blackboard should have more accessible, on-demand technical help under a new support system that begins next week.

Nice place to visit
Golden oldie
An old campus walking route makes a pleasant three-quarter mile loop around many central campus landmarks.
Two teams, one clean creek
The annual College Creek cleanup got an extra boost from visiting students, on campus for the College of Agriculture and Life Science's Carver Internship program.