ISU, city team on Lincoln Way safety study
A safer Lincoln Way is the end goal of a study of the "Iowa State" stretch of the busy road. The study makes use of video cams to count and record behavior of vehicles and pedestrians at intersections and mid-block crossings.
Leath to reorganize business, financial operations
President Steven Leath will reorganize ISU business and financial operations this summer. Several other changes in reporting structures and position titles also are planned.
Second HS dean finalist announced
Laura Jolly currently serves as professor of textiles, merchandising and interiors at the University of Georgia, Athens.
Strategic plan draft is ready for your review
A draft of Iowa State's next strategic plan is ready for review. Faculty, staff and students are encouraged to read and comment on the document, which lays out Iowa State's priorities and focus over the next six years.
Viewpoints: Cellphones in the classroom
Are they a distraction, valuable, necessary, guilty pleasure or fledgling chimera in need of some guidance? ISU instructors and staff share their thoughts.
Collaboration yields computer cost savings
Faculty, staff and IT professionals will be able to get enterprise-quality computers for less through an agreement jointly negotiated by the state universities.
In-demand undergraduate degrees
The top three bachelor's degrees, by college, conferred at Iowa State last year.