A break in sight
With spring break knocking at the door, students worked this week to get projects and homework at or ahead of schedule.
Nursing degree gets senate approval
A bachelor's of science in nursing and a higher transfer GPA requirement were among the items passed at the March 7 Faculty Senate meeting. A proposal to raise the undergraduate communication proficiency grade requirement was introduced and will be voted on next month.
Collective bargaining negotiations continue, despite new state law
University human resources provides an update collective bargaining negotiations for merit employees following a new state law.
Representation areas are in place for council elections
The 2017-18 Professional and Scientific Council officers are in place and representation areas are set for the general election, which begins Friday.
Seven projects will tackle undergraduate teaching challenges
2017-18 Miller faculty fellows will share more than $100,000 in grants.

CyBox: The best storage on campus
There are many reasons to keep your university work on the CyBox cloud. Unlimited free storage. Access from all kinds of devices. Easy document sharing. Secure space that meets FERPA and HIPAA standards.