Give an hour, give a pint
The campus fall blood drive continues through 5 p.m. Thursday in the Memorial Union; all blood types are needed.
How is your Iowa State experience?
Faculty, staff and students are asked to provide feedback in a confidential survey of the learning, living and working environment at Iowa State. The campus climate survey is available through October.
Schedule set for presidential finalist forums
Open forums for the final four candidates in Iowa State's presidential search are scheduled for 4 p.m. Monday through Thursday next week in the Memorial Union.
Healthy employees help keep health care premiums steady
Premiums for the university's ISU Plan benefits program have remained level for the past five years, a feat almost unheard of today. Several factors play a role in keeping costs down, including healthy, happy employees.

Marston Hall
Marston renovation earns 15th LEED milestone for Iowa State
During the two-year project, 29 percent of the original Marston Hall was removed to create 21st-century spaces inside a classic 20th-century shell. The result was another LEED Gold honor for the university.
Save the dates for ISU Plan open enrollment, merit meetings
The ISU Plan open enrollment period runs Nov. 1-17. Sessions are scheduled throughout those weeks to assist merit employees, who are enrolling in the plan for the first time.