Lab space offers digital accessibility tools
Faculty and staff can use assistive technology to learn how students with disabilities experience their coursework.
Temporary recruiting boost to help with vacancy backlog
Help arriving soon will boost how quickly Iowa State can whittle down a backlog of open positions, a university human resources leader told the Professional and Scientific Council.
Faculty development and numerous construction requests go to regents next week
The state Board of Regents meets Nov. 13-14 at the University of Northern Iowa. Memorial Union, Union Drive Community Center and LeBaron Hall proposals are on the agenda.
Leaders approve interim policy for chalking on campus
The interim policy takes effect Nov. 11. University administrators plan to work with Student Government to explore a permanent chalking policy.
Extension is training staff in mental health first aid
As farmers and ranchers deal with tough times, ISU Extension and Outreach is helping its staff be better prepared to assist those struggling with their mental health through an eight-hour workshop. The training continues -- and will be expanded -- in 2020.