With VR, students lead classmates on trips around the world
Using an affordable setup of consumer-level headsets and cell phones, students in a Spanish course are creating and guiding virtual reality tours to help make class material more engaging and sharpen their conversation skills.
'Innovate at Iowa State' campaign launches this month
In conjunction with the April opening of the Student Innovation Center, the university is rolling out a branding campaign, Innovate at Iowa State, to amplify and promote the growing opportunities across academic programs and around campus.

Pedestrian walkway
Music Hall is named for Simon Estes
Also on the board's Feb. 5 agenda: parking permit increases, a pedestrian bridge east of the stadium, and updates on student financial aid and the investigation into the Sept. 14 alleged mistreatment of Hawkeye band members.
Communication is key with learning technologies in Canvas
New learning technologies in Canvas have made access to information easier -- and in some cases less expensive -- for students. Communicating how to use them and their effectiveness is key for instructors and students.
New university committee to address sustainability
The committee will develop a set of actionable recommendations to increase energy efficiency, energy conservation and use of renewable energy, with the goal of moving Iowa State toward carbon neutrality.
Fall emerging leaders class is forming now
Nominations for the Emerging Leaders Academy's fall cohort are due March 2. Class members will be selected by April 10.