ISU Plan vaccine coverage extended to include pharmacies
The ISU Plan prescription drug benefit now includes vaccines, which means employees and family members included on their health care insurance policy can receive a seasonal flu shot at a retail pharmacy.

Peter Dorhout
Peter Dorhout will lead research enterprise
A fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Dorhout will arrive in Ames in January from Manhattan, Kansas, where he serves as vice president for research and professor of chemistry at Kansas State.
Fans may attend Oct. 3 home football game
In a Sept. 24 letter to Cyclone fans, President Wendy Wintersteen and athletics director Jamie Pollard asked fans to commit to creating a safe stadium environment while providing an impactful home field advantage for the football team.
Regents approve 20-month building moratorium
Addressing board members' concern about the pandemic's impact on higher education, the moratorium does include exceptions: projects already approved, those covered with private gifts and health care facilities.
New committee will develop funding strategies for Stephens Auditorium
The committee will work with the ISU Foundation to examine how individuals, businesses, foundations and other potential donors could contribute to sustain facility operations.
Career services not deterred by changes
The way career services help students has changed during the pandemic, but quick action enabled career fairs to continue going from in-person to virtual for the first time.

Face covering design puts university's collaboration efforts on display
Using the skills of the faculty and staff, the university was able to design and deliver face masks to students before the start of the fall semester.
New 'emerging leaders' group has launched
Twenty-seven faculty and P&S staff will spend this academic year learning how to be better in the leadership roles they hold or aspire to.
Federal student support program receives five years of funding
Every year, Student Support Services assists 250 undergraduates who are first generation, low income or have a disability.