Employees can schedule vaccination appointments
Vaccination appointments currently are available Tuesday-Thursday, April 27-29, with second doses to follow on May 18-20. Anyone securing an appointment must be able to receive both doses on campus.
Senior leaders: Plan on returning to campus offices by August
The plan for summer is to prepare the campus community for a fall semester that more closely resembles 2019 than 2020.

First concert
Not your usual concert stage
The ISU Symphonic Band's first concert of the year was performed Friday morning in the Howe Hall atrium.
Intensive intervention program helps 'at-promise' CALS students
For the past two years, a reprieve from academic dismissal due to extenuating circumstances has come with placement in SMART Steps, a holistic intervention designed to identify and remove barriers impacting students' academic performance. It's made a world of difference.
Wickert presents promotion and tenure information to senate
Senior vice president and provost Jonathan Wickert presented his annual report on faculty advancement where 69 faculty members received promotion or tenure. The pandemic forced an extended tenure clock for several other faculty members.