Ready for a respite
With an eye on fall break next week, freshman Abi Garden works a calculus problem in a study area at the Student Innovation Center.

Shawn Norman
Shawn Norman named senior vice president for operations and finance
Norman comes to Iowa State from the University of Nevada, Reno, where he has served as associate vice president for planning, budget and analysis since 2018. He'll start Jan. 1.
Timing of salary increases will move to Jan. 1
The new timing for performance-based salary increases reflects a shifting budget development window. The change takes effect in 2024, and ISU leaders shared a transition plan for 2023.
Iowa high school grad numbers are robust; inclination to attend college less so
Iowa has plenty of high school graduates, but for a variety of reasons they're not continuing on to college.

Mute swan Elaine is retiring from Lake LaVerne
After 19+ years of dedicated service, mute swan Elaine is moving next week to a pond on an acreage owned by Iowa State alumni.
Governor gives two holidays to state employees
University leaders chose to implement the paid holidays for ISU employees on Wednesday, Nov. 23, and Friday, Dec. 23, extending the Thanksgiving and Christmas weekends.
Senators learn more about Iowa State Online
CELT executive director Sara Marcketti said Iowa State Online will add a lot of opportunities, but CELT staff will not be involved in developing the curriculum. Senior vice president and provost Jonathan Wickert also reported an increase in new student applications.
Memorial Union projects could begin next summer
At its Nov. 9-10 meeting, the state Board of Regents approved two more student service renovation projects at the Memorial Union, infrastructure and parking lot improvements as a first phase of the proposed CYTown development at the Iowa State Center, and faculty professional development assignment requests for next year.
Senate continues effort to diversify membership
Faculty Senate leaders want to continue to diversify the membership to more closely match the overall campus makeup. With elections coming in the spring, they urge faculty from all corners of campus to consider running.
Multiple assessments provide insight to student wellness needs
Student health and wellness has gathered information for more than a year on ways to improve students' health and well-being. It will assist in informing the campus infrastructure around health promotion and help develop a health and wellness strategic plan.