Loyal and knowledgeable gardener
Rick Hellmich, who retired from Iowa State in 2021 -- after he helped seed two pollinator habitat plots on Pammel Drive former building sites -- said he's made a hobby of volunteering his time to care for the two plots.
No easy answer with AI chatbots
Faculty across campus are adjusting to the questions AI chatbots raise for their classrooms. Some are looking to limit their use to ensure students achieve learning objectives; others are taking advantage to enhance learning opportunities.
Campus life leader arrives next month
Michael Harwood, director of fiscal and facility operations for housing at the University of Montana, Missoula, will start Aug. 11 as ISU's associate vice president for campus life and director of residence.
Interim EO director to be named next week; Wells departs for new position
Carl Wells, director of equal opportunity and Title IX coordinator since May 2022, will leave Iowa State Aug. 1 for a new position as associate dean for campus life at Newberry College in South Carolina.

Jeremy Paul
Jeremy Paul is the new director of transportation services, on the heels of more than 20 years as an operations logistics expert for the U.S. Army.
New WorkFlex request process enhances flexibility
Eligible employees can now apply for the flexible work program or work with their supervisor to alter an existing Workflex at any time.
Parks makes call to add more study space
Parks Library will add single-person booths this fall that will offer faculty, staff and students a quiet place to study and learn. It is the latest effort to update available space and accommodate the way today's patrons use it.
ISU Internal Careers Hub simplifies job search
The ISU Internal Careers Hub in Workday is a one-stop shop for Iowa State employees looking for new roles at the university.
Norman shares division update with council
The Professional and Scientific (P&S) Council heard from senior vice president for operations and finance Shawn Norman at its July 6 meeting.