Members of the Professional and Scientific Council closed out the 2014-15 docket by approving a draft hiring policy at its June 4 meeting. The policy was developed as a result of the state Board of Regents TIER (Transparent, Inclusive Efficiency Review) study.
The P&S Council next meets on July 9 (2:10-4 p.m., MU Gallery).
The proposed policy provides guidelines for the recruitment and selection of P&S employees, including search committee use. A draft guide for the recruitment and selection process also was developed to accompany the policy.
The motion brought forward by the council's policies and procedures committee approved the draft policy, including the following recommendations:
- Further define the role and responsibilities of the "hiring manager"
- Clarify the use and approval of phone interviews
"All of the feedback that we've received is either represented [in the motion] or has been forwarded to the policy development team," said Kris Koerner, committee chair.
Questions and comments about the draft policy can be submitted by email through June 15.
Other business
Kara Berg, communications specialist in the registrar's office, was unanimously approved to fill a vacant council seat in the student affairs representation area (through June 2016)
Tera Lawson, program coordinator in the School of Education, assumed council president duties and Clayton Johnson, academic adviser in Design, took over as president-elect