August occupancy
Troxel Hall, going up north of the Farm House Museum on the east side of campus, is on schedule for late April completion.

Smart Card parking
Feed the meter with a (smart) card
Within six months, virtually all parking meters on campus will let you pay with a Smart Card or the traditional quarters, dimes and nickels. Parking staff began installing new meter heads in popular lots around campus this week.
New equal opportunity director on the job Feb. 4
Robinette Kelley will become the new director of equal opportunity on Feb. 4. She comes to Iowa State from The State University of New York, Buffalo.
New year updates from human resource services
Learn how increased payroll taxes and a new long-term care insurance provider will impact Iowa State employees in 2013.

Construction recycling
Recycling takes hold with building services group
For the last three years, the construction staff in Iowa State's building maintenance services has been recycling demolition and construction materials from their projects.
Council to vote on modified representation areas
Proposed revisions to representation areas were introduced at the Jan. 3 Professional and Scientific Council meeting. The number of council representatives will remain the same, but their organizational areas will shrink from six to four.
Climatologist, cake baker are part of spring lectures
The lectures program spring lineup includes a mix of American guests, with a few foreign ambassadors invited to campus, too.