ISU carilloneur Tin-Shi Tam. Photo by Bob Elbert.
Martin Luther King Jr. Day is Jan. 21, and the Iowa State community is marking the holiday with several events throughout January. All events are free and open to the public.
- "Let Freedom Ring" carillon concert, Jan. 16 (11:50 a.m.-12:10 p.m., central campus). Listen to the bells of Iowa State as carilloneur Tin-Shi Tam pays musical tribute to Martin Luther King Jr. She'll perform several spirituals and hymns, ending with Let Freedom Ring (live webcast).
- Community birthday celebration, Jan. 21 (6 p.m., Ames Middle School, 3915 Mortensen Rd.). Celebrate King's birthday with songs, stories and cake.
- Legacy convocation, Jan. 24 (4 p.m., MU Sun Room). Musicians and speakers will showcase King's legacy -- a global vision of equality for everyone. ISU alumnus Arnold Woods III, Des Moines, will give the keynote address, and recipients of the Advancing One Community Awards will be recognized.
- Lecture, "Race, Racism and Race Relations in America," Michael Eric Dyson, Jan. 31 (8 p.m., MU Great Hall). Dyson, University Professor of sociology at Georgetown University, is a scholar of black history and a cultural critic who has authored 16 books, including April 4, 1968: Martin Luther King Jr.'s Death and How it Changed America.