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Partial renovation of Scheman enters final month

When the work wraps up around Feb. 1, Scheman will continue to operate as a multipurpose conference center. Renovated spaces and restrooms also will allow the athletics department to host fans prior to competitions next door at Hilton Coliseum.

A reminder to use more of your benefits in 2025

Iowa State offers programs to help faculty and staff in numerous ways. Whether you put a focus on self-care or want to make financial changes, there are options available.

head shot of woman with glasses in red blouse

Amelia Cepeda


Amelia Cepeda began serving as director of university housing on Jan. 2. She previously served in the department of residence as director of administrative services and (since September) interim director of residence life and conference services.

Legislative session opens Monday

Iowa State has requested nearly $11.8 million in additional appropriations from the state for the fiscal year that begins July 1. Seven specific requests focus on enhancing Iowa's rural economy and supporting Iowa businesses.

Implementation underway on broad student mental health initiative

In the second year of a four-year process, task force members meet regularly to work on 18 objectives in a university-level plan to guide support for students. Members, ranging from vice presidents to students, bring different expertise and knowledge.