ISU Theatre's adaptation of Chekhov's Short Stories, created by lecturer Matt Foss and the show's cast of 11 Iowa State students, debuts in the Memorial Union Maintenance Shop Thursday, Feb. 9, and runs for one weekend.
The play is based on two of Russian writer Anton Chekhov's (1860-1904) short stories, The Kiss and The Lady with the Lapdog. The cast, under the direction of Foss, has collaborated on the play since September, writing the script, designing the costumes and building the set. Foss is pleased with the result.
"As a teacher, you work really hard to stay as quiet as possible when students are trying to work out a problem," Foss said. "Often, they came up with better solutions [than me]."
Cast members include seniors Michael Brandt, Kathleen Hoil, Kelsey Kovacevich, Ben Millar, Brittny Rebhuhn, Heather Smith, Madison Welterlen and Jeff White; juniors Nick Neal and Ethan Peterson; and freshman Dan Poppen.
ISU Theatre's adaptation of the drama takes place in two acts, the first focusing on The Kiss and the second on The Lady with the Lapdog. Music and additional excerpts from other Chekhov short stories bridge the acts together.
Show times are Feb. 9-11 at 7:30 p.m., and Feb. 12 at 2 p.m. in the Maintenance Shop. Tickets are $16 ($14 for seniors, $8 for students) and available at the M-Shop ticket office (4-8349), online at MIDWESTTIX or at the door. Due to limited seating, advanced ticket purchases are encouraged.