Soon, you can help CyRide build a better transit system simply by making a quick stop on your trek across campus. CyRide consultants will hold "pop-up" meetings at busy spots on campus and several locations in Ames during the first few weeks of October.
The consultants will hand out a very short survey, which you can fill out on the spot and move on. But if you have the time and more to say, the CyRide reps will be happy to hear from you. A link to a more detailed online survey will be available.
Campus input is vital
"We encourage all students, faculty and staff to take time to complete the pop-up meeting survey and to take the more detailed online survey," said CyRide transit director Sheri Kyras. "We're doing this study to determine if the current routes and schedules are the most efficient way to serve the nearly 7 million rides provided annually."
Kyras said student input is extremely important, "as students comprise 93 percent of the transit system riders."
However, she added that even those who've never used CyRide can help.
"This is the community's transit system," she said. "We're all invested in it and should have a say in how it operates."
Details on the pop-ups soon
More information on the locations for the pop-up meetings and the online survey link will be listed in Inside Iowa State and on CyRide's homepage, Twitter and Facebook accounts, and e-notification system in early October.