Iowa State will align the units primarily responsible for risk management and mitigation, including the office of university counsel, department of public safety, office of risk management, and environmental health and safety (EH&S), effective May 1.

This move will change the reporting line for the associate vice president for public safety and chief of police, who now will report to the university general counsel and continue to oversee the department of public safety, which includes ISU police, risk management and parking.
The assistant vice president for environmental health and safety also will report to the university general counsel and continue to oversee EH&S programs and services.

Michael Norton will take on an expanded leadership role as university general counsel and chief risk officer. Michael Newton, associate vice president for public safety and chief of police; and David Inyang, assistant vice president for environmental health and safety; will retain their roles and titles and report to Norton. Reporting lines to Newton and Inyang will remain the same, and offices will remain in their current locations.

"The alignment of these units will enable the university to take a broader view and enhanced strategic focus on institutional risk management by leveraging the office of university counsel's deep understanding of the increasing compliance and risk factors facing the university," said President Wendy Wintersteen. "This will better position the university to continue accomplishing its goals through a collaborative approach to facilitating compliance, mitigating risk and promoting the safety and well-being of the ISU community."