Tree trimmer Mike Soole, campus services, drags a tree limb to a chopper outside of the Hub during cleanup on July 24. Photos by Christopher Gannon.
Campus services' tree-trimming team got an emergency assignment July 23 when half of the mature Siberian elm tree at the southwest corner of the Hub fell, much of it landing on the building. The team first removed all branches from the Hub roof and surrounding lawn and then set about removing what remained of the elm. Just the stump of the 100+ year-old tree remains to be removed.
After a temporary closure, ISU Dining was able to reopen its Hub venues Thursday morning, July 25.
A structural assessment of the Hub showed only cosmetic damage to the roof. Facilities planning and management's construction management unit currently is seeking bids for those repairs. Dependent on the successful bid company, the goal is to complete repairs before fall classes begin on Aug. 26.

Campus services' tree trimming team lowers a limb section to the ground outside the Hub.