Editor's note: Iowa State University no longer uses Aastra telephone products. Information about current phone hardware is in IT portal's voice and conferencing services.
Call pickup allows you to use your own phone to answer the ringing phone of a colleague. The colleague must be in your call pickup group. That group generally is set up several days after the installation of your new phone. Here's how to pick up a neighbor's call:

Aastra 6737i
Aastra 6737i
- Press the "call pickup" softkey on your phone's screen. If this feature doesn't work, your call pickup group may not have been set up yet. Try again later.
- If you want to know who's in your call pickup group, sign on to the web portal (phone.iastate.edu) and go to "call control," then "call pickup."

Aastra 6739i
Aastra 6739i
- Press the "call pickup" softkey on your phone's screen
- If you want to know who's in your call pickup group, sign on to the web portal (phone.iastate.edu) and go to "call control," then "call pickup."
Keys and softkeys
Keys are the permanently labeled buttons on your phone. Examples: "goodbye," "options" and "hold" keys.
Softkeys show up on your screen and change, depending on your task or settings. On the Aastra 6737i, you invoke a softkey by pressing the black button adjacent to its screen. The Aastra 6739i has a touchscreen, so you simply press the softkey.